Unbreakable Bond: US-UK – A Timeless Alliance!

by Ethan Roberts
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United States and United Kingdom: Historic Alliance Promotes Global Security and Prosperity

Advancing Our Shared Values Across the Globe

The United States and the United Kingdom have a longstanding and robust alliance, working together on various important priorities that impact not only our nations, but also the world. Our friendship is built on a foundation of shared values and common beliefs, ensuring security and prosperity for all.

Defending Open Societies and Human Rights

Both the United States and the United Kingdom are steadfast in their commitment to upholding democratic values, human rights, and the rule of law. As one of our strongest partners, the UK actively defends open societies, freedom of expression, and media freedom.

Tackling Global Challenges

In order to address pressing global issues, our countries closely coordinate efforts in areas such as the climate crisis, food insecurity, energy insecurity, and global health challenges. Together, we strive to achieve inclusive economic growth worldwide.

AUKUS: Strengthening the Indo-Pacific

AUKUS, a newly formed security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, aims to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific region that is secure and stable. The collaboration will play a crucial role in safeguarding the interests of our respective nations and maintaining peace and prosperity in the region.

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Protecting Peace and Stability in Northern Ireland

Both the United States and the UK are deeply committed to protecting the gains made through the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement. We stand united in preserving peace, stability, and prosperity for the people of Northern Ireland, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights are protected.

Standing Together in Support of Ukraine

Recognizing the importance of Ukraine’s security and sovereignty, the United States and the United Kingdom are working closely, alongside other Allies and partners, to secure Ukraine’s future as a secure, sovereign, and independent nation.

Investing in Ukraine’s Military Capability

Both nations are committed to supporting Ukraine’s defense forces and helping in the development of a military capable of deterring future attacks. By investing in Ukraine’s long-term military capability, we aim to ensure its ability to protect itself and maintain stability in the region.

Strengthening Ukraine’s Democracy and Economy

In addition to bolstering Ukraine’s defense, the United States and the UK are also supporting Ukraine’s broader democratic institutions and working towards its full integration with Europe. Strengthening Ukraine’s economy is a key component of building a prosperous and resilient nation.

Fostering Just and Lasting Peace

Both nations are actively engaged in promoting international support for a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. Upholding the core principles of the UN Charter, we are committed to preserving Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence. Furthermore, we are working towards supporting Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery efforts.

Promoting Economic Prosperity for All

The economic ties and close bonds between the United States and the United Kingdom are mutually beneficial, creating opportunities for both countries and their people.

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A Strong Economic Partnership

The United Kingdom is the largest foreign investment partner for the United States, and likewise, the United States is the biggest partner in services trade for the UK. The business activities of our respective companies directly employ over one million workers in each country.

The Atlantic Declaration

On June 8, 2023, President Biden and Prime Minister Sunak announced The Atlantic Declaration, a U.S.-UK economic partnership aimed at enhancing cooperation in critical economic sectors. This declaration underscores our resolve to prioritize safety, prosperity, and security for our nations and peoples, while simultaneously driving growth in living standards across the globe.

The historic alliance between the United States and the United Kingdom represents the strength of the free world. Together, we remain dedicated to promoting global security, upholding democratic values, and advancing shared goals that contribute to the wellbeing of our people and the world at large.

Source: The White House

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